
Basic concepts on Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC)

Generative AI is a powerful and rapidly developing field of Artificial Intelligence that has the potential to revolutionize how content is created. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of current generative AI technologies, with a focus on text and image generation, video creation, and 3D modeling

This course will start with an introduction to the basic concepts of Generative AI, including its application fields, relevant models and architectures, and the tools available for implementation. We will then discuss the many potential business applications for Generative AI, such as automated content generation, translations, sentiment analysis, and summaries. We will also discuss how Generative AI can be used to create images, program code, poetry, and artwork.

The second part of this course will focus on the development of Generative AI models, from the basics of training and optimizing these models, to specific techniques for different types of content. We will also discuss several useful tools, such as ChatGPT (the most powerful AI system in the world), DALL-E 2 image prompts, and prompt marketplaces.

Finally, we will look at the implications of Generative AI, both in terms of opportunities, such as the potential of “prompt engineers”, and in terms of potential risks, such as the challenge of ensuring intellectual property rights.

We will discuss how businesses and professionals can use Generative AI to their advantage, and the best courses available for learning more about Artificial Intelligence.

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of Generative AI and its potential applications. You will also have developed a solid foundation in the development and optimization of Generative AI models, as well as the skills required to implement them effectively.

Objectives and targets

This course is especially aimed at those with an interest in:

  • Know the fundamentals that underlie current generative models. Without technical or mathematical depth, but with enough rigor to know its mechanisms.

  • Know the different current possibilities in generative models capable of creating high-quality content in different fields.

  • A broad vision of the current spectrum of available solutions and being able to take advantage of their advantages and disadvantages.

The course does not require prior technical foundations and is open to:

  • Content creators, in the widest possible spectrum.

  • Educators.

  • Professionals in marketing, communications, art, writing, etc.

  • Anyone who wants to streamline and enhance their work, daily activities or hobbies with the most advanced AI-based generative assistants and techniques of the moment.


  • Introduction to basic fundamental elements, skipping mathematical background, and any other prerequisite

  • Mainly practical, with many use cases

Blended learning:

  • Asynchronous: videos (fundamental concepts, use cases, and additional information) + slides + documents

  • Synchronous: periodical synchronous open session to students + tutorial sessions

  • Assessment: assignment based

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